Looking to take your relationship to the next level? Our Marry Me Oil was created to help deepen the commitment between two people. We’ve included the best herbs, botanicals and essential oils that have historically been associated with love, engagements, proposals, wedding ceremonies, and romantic commitments. It’s perfect for those of you who wish to enter into a committed relationship with your love interest. Our Marry Me Oil comes in a ½ oz jar.
What does Marry Me Oil Do?
Deepens the bond between two people
Encourages Proposals, Engagements & Commitments
Helps to ensure a target remains faithful.
Encourages loyalty, devotion, and affection
What are the Ingredients in Marry Me Oil?
Our Marry Me Oil is made with Harthorne Blossoms, English Ivy, Honeysuckle, Jasmine, Orange Blossoms, and a number of other botanical ingredients.
How Do You Use Marry Me Oil?
Marry me Oil can be anointed on candles, rubbed on jewelry and charms, dabbed on photographs, and petitions, or put on the heel of your shoe. Secretly massage some Marry Me Oil onto personal items that belong to your love interest. Add a few drops to a honey jar, mojo bag, or sachet. Dab a few drops on a yellow piece of cloth and hide it under your mattress.
Try taking mistletoe and red rose petals and drying them. Once dry, grind them together into a fine powder. Add a few drops of Marry Me Oil into your mistletoe / red rose petal powder. Then sprinkle this mixture around your bed, near your front door, or in any area where your love interest will walk. You can create a dusting powder with this mixture by adding a few pinches of it to a ¼ cup orris root powder or arrowroot powder, along with a few drops of orange essential oil. Dust your body with this prior to seeing your love interest.
How to Do a Marry Me Spell
For this spell, you will need the following items
- An apple or potato
- Ribbon, yarn, or thread (blue is traditional but you can also use pink)
- A pink candle
- A carving instrument like a needle, nail, pen or carving tool
To begin, anoint your pink candle with Marry Me Oil. To do this, add a couple of drops to the palm of your hand. Now, beginning at the middle of the candle, pull the oil up the candle towards the wick. Then, go back to the middle of the candle and anoint the candle, pulling the oil down toward the base of the candle.
After the candle is anointed, get your apple or potato and cut it in half. On the inside of one piece write your name. On the inside of the other piece, write the name of your love interest. Take a few drops of Marry Me Oil and gently anoint both your name and the name of your love interest. When you feel focused and ready, light the candle. Above the burning flame of the candle, unite the two pieces of the cut apple or potato. Once united, take your string and wrap it around the apple/potato 9 times. You want to make sure you tie it tight enough that the two pieces remain together. After your ninth wrap, make a tight knot and recite the following charm:
“Around this apple (or potato) first I wind
9 times around, so we be joined
Him to me and I to him (or any variation of this as it applies to your situation)
Round and round in heart and body
It’s to the altar so we shall wed.
Firm is this knot, our love endures.”
After the charm is recited, tie a knot in your string or thread.
When the candle has completely burned out, take your apple and plant in the backyard. If you do not have a backyard, plant it in a flowerpot and keep it in your home.