Magnetic lodestone for love, abundance, money, and attraction spells.
Bulk lodestones for spell and rituals
Lodestone showing magnetic properties

Lodestone Bulk 1/2 lb to 1 lb for Attraction, Love, Abundance

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Experience The Magic

Spiritual products for your everyday rituals.


Lodestone, a naturally magnetized piece of magnetite, takes billions of years to form.  The properties of attraction, energy flow, and transformation are all associated with lodestone. Our lodestone comes from the Groveland Mine in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.  

The unique magnetic properties of lodestone were first recorded by the ancient Greeks and Chinese. The Chinese believed that lodestone possessed the ability to guide energy, much like it could guide the direction of a compass. In both Eastern and Western mystical traditions, lodestone has long been associated with the concept of polarity—attracting and repelling forces that are akin to the interplay of light and dark, yin and yang, or masculine and feminine energies. During the Renaissance, European alchemists and occultists utilized lodestone in their work, seeing it as a symbol of the unity between opposites. 

The Magical Properties of Lodestones

Magically, lodestone is associated with attraction, money, abundance, protection, and grounding. The stone's ability to magnetically pull iron filings toward itself is a metaphor for attracting spiritual wisdom, abundance, or love. Just as the stone can pull in physical objects, it is known to draw in intangible things like energies, opportunities, and affection.  

How to Use Lodestones in a Ritual or Spell

Lodestones are powerful tools in magical rituals, especially for attraction, manifestation, and grounding. These naturally magnetic stones are often used to draw in desired energy, making them ideal for spells involving abundance, love, success, and protection. In attraction and manifestation rituals, a lodestone can be anointed with oils like Come to Me or Money-Drawing oil, placed on an altar, and fed with iron filings or magnetic sand to maintain its power. In money-drawing spells, a lodestone is commonly paired with items like coins, cinnamon, and bay leaves to create a charm or placed over a petition paper to magnetize wealth. For love spells, lodestones are often used in pairs, representing the magnetic pull between two people, and are dressed with love oils to attract romantic connections.

Lodestones are also effective in protection and success rituals. Carrying a lodestone with protective herbs, like hyssop or rosemary, creates a shield from negative energies, while placing one near doors or windows acts as a magnetic barrier. In success and goal-oriented spells, a lodestone can be used to focus energy and draw opportunities by placing it on top of a written goal or petition. Additionally, lodestones can charge other magical tools, amplifying their effectiveness in future rituals. With their natural magnetism, lodestones help enhance your intentions, attract your desires, and protect your energy in a wide range of magical practices.

Lodestone Attraction Ritual for Abundance & Success

This ritual uses lodestone’s magnetic properties to attract abundance, good luck, prosperity, and success into your life.  Adapt this ritual to focus on the specific area of your life where you want to invite more opportunities—such as financial growth, career success, or general abundance.

Items Needed:

  • 1 Lodestone: Preferably one that feels significant to you.
  • Magnetic sand: Iron filings or magnetic sand to "feed" the lodestone.
  • Coins or small metallic objects: Symbolic of wealth and success.
  • Green or gold candle: Green symbolizes growth and prosperity, while gold represents success and wealth.
  • Bay leaves: Associated with wealth and victory.
  • Pen and paper: For your petition.
  • Art of the Root conjure oil: Crown of Success, Money Drawing, Good Fortune or whatever oil you favor.
  • A small fire-safe bowl or plate: 

Setting Up Your Space:

  1. Cleanse your space: Use sage, incense, or any form of cleansing (like a bell or sound bowl) to clear away any stagnant energy from the area where you will perform your ritual.
  2. Prepare your altar or sacred space: Arrange the items in a neat and intentional way. Place the lodestone at the center, with the candle beside it. Surround the lodestone with coins or metallic objects.
  3. Charge your lodestone: Take a few moments to hold the lodestone in your hands. Close your eyes, feel its energy, and visualize it pulling in the things you want to attract into your life. You can also speak directly to the lodestone, asking it to assist you in this work.

Steps for the Ritual:

  1. Set your intention: On a piece of paper, write what you wish to attract. Be as specific as possible—whether it’s financial prosperity, career success, or any form of abundance. 

  2. Anoint the candle with the oil. While doing this, focus on your intention and visualize success and abundance coming toward you.

  3. Light the candle: As you light the candle, say aloud or in your mind: “I light this candle to ignite the energy of abundance. May it draw wealth, opportunities, and success into my life.”

  4. Feed the lodestone: Sprinkle a small amount of magnetic sand or iron filings onto the lodestone. As you do this, imagine the lodestone becoming stronger and more powerful in its ability to attract. You might say, “I feed this lodestone to strengthen its pull, drawing to me all that I desire.”

  5. Arrange the coins or metallic objects: Place the coins around the lodestone as symbols of wealth and prosperity. As you place each one, imagine it multiplying—symbolizing how abundance will flow to you. Visualize your financial situation improving or success manifesting.

  6. Burn the bay leaves: On each bay leaf, write a single word representing what you want to attract (e.g., "Money," "Opportunities," "Success"). Light the leaves carefully using the flame from your candle, and let them burn in a fireproof dish or plate. As they burn, visualize the energy of your intentions going out into the universe.

  7. Visualize and meditate: Take a few minutes to focus on your intention. Close your eyes and imagine the lodestone acting as a magnet, pulling abundance, wealth, and success toward you. Feel the energy of what you want flowing into your life. Breathe deeply and sit in this visualization for as long as you feel is necessary.

  8. Close the ritual: Once you feel that the energy has been fully set, thank the lodestone for its assistance. Extinguish the candle safely, but let the lodestone sit on your altar or in a sacred space for several days to continue attracting energy. You may choose to keep it there indefinitely if you wish to keep the energy active.

  9. Follow-up care for the lodestone: In the days following the ritual, you can "feed" your lodestone with a bit more magnetic sand or iron filings to keep its energy strong. Each time you do this, reaffirm your intention by saying something like, “I continue to attract wealth and success in all areas of my life.”

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