07_LifeOfLuxury_Oil - Art Of The Root

Life of Luxury Oil

Regular price$9.50

Life of Luxury Oil is a blend dedicated to the rich and mysterious traditions of our European ancestors. It is great for prosperity spells and while working on any type of new venture or undertaking. Use it for a prosperous business or to advance your career. It can be used for raises, business growth, financial prosperity, and the overall success of one’s goals.

Spiritual products for your everyday rituals.

Life of Luxury Oil is a blend dedicated to the rich and mysterious traditions of our European ancestors. It is great for prosperity spells and while working on any type of new venture or undertaking. Use it for a prosperous business or to advance your career. It can be used for raises, business growth, financial prosperity, and the overall success of one’s goals. It comes in a ½ oz glass bottle.


What does Life of Luxury Oil do:

  • Enhance prosperity and abundance.
  • Promote success in a new venture or endeavor.
  • Draw riches, luxury, and wealth into your life.
  • Bolster business and career-related advancement.


What are the ingredients in Life of Luxury Oil:

Loaded with herbs and oils revered for their ability to aid in wealth, abundance, and prosperity, our Life of Luxury Oil includes yellow dock, sassafras, vervain, basil, meadowsweet, acorn, pyrite, and many others.


How to use Life of Luxury Oil:

Our Life of Luxury Oil can be worn on the body, used in a bath or anointed on your favorite jewelry before wearing. Anoint some on important papers, bank statements or cash in your wallet. Place a few drops of oil in a bowl full of rice and keep it under your bed. Anoint some on a buckeye, acorn, or whole nutmeg and carry it on you. Use some to rub down your front door or place of business. Dab some on your business cards, your cash register, or job applications. Put some on your hands prior to meeting important people or put a few drops in the heel of your shoe. Add a few drops on some cedar chips and leave them by your front door.


How to use Life of Luxury Oil in a Spell or Ritual:

For a candle ritual, we suggest working with a green 7-knob candle. Take a few drops of our Life of Luxury Oil and draw the oil up the candle towards the wick. Then, on a piece of parchment paper or a piece of a brown paper bag, write out your petition. Fold the paper in half, making sure you fold the paper towards you, so the crease is away.  Place the candle in an appropriate candle holder and set it on top of your petition. When ready, say a prayer or speak your intention while lighting the candle. You may also recite Psalm 23. Burn one knob a night for a total of 7 nights. Use a candle snuffer to put out the flame or smother it; do not blow it out. Take the remains and bury them in your backyard or leave them at a crossroads. If you are lucky enough to have an oak tree nearby, you can place the remains near its base. 

Our Life of Luxury Oil can also be used to empower and bless an amulet. One of the more powerful amulets used in Europe was the seashell. Cowrie shells work well and have historically been revered for their ability to draw in both prosperity and protection. In Europe, they were even once used as a form of currency. You can work with any type of amulet that may have significance for you. It can be a piece of jewelry (rings work great), a gemstone, bead, or even a small piece of wood from your favorite type of tree. All you will need is a white votive candle and some yellow or gold string or thread. Anoint your candle with some Life of Luxury Oil by running your finger around the wick in a clockwise direction. When ready, light the candle and pick up the piece of yellow or gold string. You are going to make 9 knots. Each time you tie a knot in the thread, say your intention out loud. Next, take your thread and wrap it around your amulet. Hold the amulet over the candle and repeat the following:

“May God above and all around look down on me and be it so. Bless, protect and all shall grow.”

Anoint the amulet every new moon.

In another version of this, the candle is not necessary. Simply perform the knot spell and wrap your amulet. Anoint it with oil, then bury it overnight during a full moon (you may want to bury it in a plastic bag).




Sold as a Curio. For external use only. Keep away from children and pets. All Art of the Root products are handmade daily in the USA.

Customer Reviews

Based on 854 reviews
Brittany G.
$$$ Got a QUICK CASH LOAN! 💵

Yess! So I used the oil in a 7 day candle as well as rubbed it on my hands/ laptop before applying for my personal loan ! I got approved in a very quick process - love this

Kisha F.
Money Drawing Kit and Oil

I literally have been using it everyday, putting it in my candles my bath, rubbing it on my hands. And I’ve NOT missed a DAY without getting money. Deposits. Commissioned work. Gifts. It’s the TRUTH! I can’t explain it! It’s real.

Big Jackpot Winner

I enjoy gambling (although I usually have NO luck). I used the money oil on my pressure points and bills prior to playing. Lost $400 that night. Bummer! Returned the following day. Used the same oil on a dime and placed a soaked cotton ball around it. Didn't have high hopes considering I've ALWAYS been unlucky. To my surprise, I walked out $1200 richer. Maybe purely coincidentally but I'm going to con't using on a dime and cotton whenever I gamble. Thank you! 😊

Pretty S.
I’m a repeat customer

These products work! I bought several years ago that I still use to this day! They really are superior and supercharged! Stepping my magic up 🫰🏽had to grab supplies. Thank you art of the root! High quality and effective.

Maciel G.
I love it!

It smell delicious!
I only used once , but I love it!

Krystle D.
I love it

I love it this has really been working for me and my family I will be purchasing more

Tia W.
Love them and they work for me!!

This is my 4th or 5th time buying oils and they always work. I would and have recommended it! They smell amazing. I have the best results with Crown of Success and Money Draw.

Juna J.
I can’t believe it.

Starting from when I was a child I have always gravitated to candles. I never used candles for spiritual work but I decided to try something new. My first purchase for my spiritual ritual was the money candle. I followed through with the instructions as written, when I first lit the wick on my candle I noticed the flame was longer than my pinky finger. As stated I am fairly new to ritual with candles. Furthermore, something in me at the time was giving me the urge to go to the casino to test my luck. I tell you not whoever or whatever that was lingering around me made sure I see the power within using candles. I strike not once, not twice, but three times at the casino. I was so elated to the point I lost all my money thinking I was going to take the whole casino home with me. I say this to say it worked for me but the feeling of greed took over what I needed at the time. I am a satisfied customer. I will try again hopefully I am not as greedy as before.

OMG! Wowwwwwwww!

Thank you for the fast delivery, The oil smells nice it smells like a strong cinnamon scent. Light oil not runny. I’m from Connecticut state it’s real I rubbed some on my palm of my hand a small dab because the nice scent is strong. And you don’t need a lot I had brought a scratch off ticket from my local store and when I got home I won something on my scratch off card . It’s better than nothing. I was in shock !!! Photo above I have more to scratch off but I just wanted to share how it works !!!!And the smell do draw attention to women and men asking me what is it I’m wearing or the scent smells nice. I was asked what is it I’m wearing . I really didn’t want to share my special experience lol but yes Buy it!!!!!! I love it it really works! Good Blessings to all that purchase it.Thank you to the seller mines came in my mail box not through Amazon . It was fast and wrapped up neatly no spills no broken bottle . Sealed up tightly and shake it up and dab it on my wrist and palm of my hand and won a few bucks off a scratch off friendly reminder I got the oil in one day and the scratch off the same day as I got the oil . It Really WORKS! Best of luck and wishes it’s a money blessing ❤️

Amazing smell

My energy felt powerful in this one

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