How to Make a Mojo Bag: A Guide for Love and Money Spells

Creating a mojo bag is a deeply personal and spiritual process that connects you with the energies you wish to draw into your life. Whether you’re looking to manifest love, abundance, protection, or success, crafting a mojo bag allows you to create a focused, tangible form of magic that you can carry with you. These little bags of power have been used for centuries, and today they remain a trusted tool in many magical traditions.

What Are Mojo Bags?

Mojo bags, also known as gris-gris or conjure bags, are small pouches filled with carefully selected items charged with intention and magical purpose. Traditionally used in Hoodoo and other folk magic practices, these bags serve as portable charms that help the individual manifest their desires, whether it be love, money, protection, or spiritual growth. Each mojo bag is unique to its creator, containing ingredients that correspond to the desired outcome, such as herbs, stones, personal concerns (items directly linked to the individual), and petitions written with intent. The bag is "alive" as long as it is properly cared for, regularly fed, and treated with respect.

The History of Mojo Bags

The history of mojo bags is deeply rooted in the practice of Hoodoo, a form of folk magic that originated with enslaved Africans in the southern United States. These spiritual traditions, brought from Africa, blended with Native American and European influences, creating a magical system that incorporated the use of charms and talismans. Mojo bags became a vital tool in this practice, helping individuals protect themselves, attract blessings, and connect with spiritual forces.

Origins of Mojo Bags

Magical bags containing sacred objects can be found in cultures throughout history. In West Africa, similar bags were used to carry spiritual tools or offerings to deities. The use of charm bags also appears in ancient Egypt, where small pouches filled with protective amulets were buried with the dead for safe passage into the afterlife. Medieval Europeans carried pouches of herbs or relics to protect themselves from disease or harm. The concept of using a magical bag filled with meaningful objects to affect change is a practice that transcends time and culture. In Hoodoo, this tradition lives on through the mojo bag, which is crafted with intention and serves as a direct link to the spiritual realm.

Today’s Use of Mojo Bags

A Mojo Bag for Spiritual Work, Spells & Rituals

Today, mojo bags are used in a variety of spiritual and magical practices. Whether you're working with Hoodoo, witchcraft, or modern folk magic, mojo bags are a versatile and personal tool. Many people create their own bags to support specific intentions such as financial growth, love, or protection, while others may carry them daily for ongoing spiritual energy and guidance. One of the unique aspects of mojo bags is that they are treated as living entities. By regularly feeding the bag with oils, incense smoke, or another offering, the bag stays charged and active, continuously working toward the goal for which it was created.

The Ingredients of Mojo Bags

Essential Ingredients for Mojo Bags in Hoodoo Magic

The ingredients of a mojo bag are carefully chosen based on their magical properties. Each item added to the bag should correspond to your specific intention. Some common ingredients include herbs, which carry magical associations like basil for money-drawing or rose petals for love. Crystals such as pyrite for abundance or rose quartz for love are often added. Personal concerns, such as hair or a piece of fabric, are included to create a strong spiritual connection between the bag and the person it’s meant to help. Coins or money, particularly in money-drawing mojo bags, are used to represent financial energy, and roots like High John the Conqueror are often added for their powerful spiritual properties. Each ingredient in the bag serves a purpose and aligns with the energy you want to bring into your life.

Make Your Mojo Bag Personal

Crafting Your Own Mojo Bag

The true power of a mojo bag comes from making it deeply personal, as it is not just a collection of items but a direct reflection of your unique intentions, energy, and desires. By carefully selecting ingredients like personal concerns—such as hair, fabric, or even handwriting—you create a spiritual connection between the mojo bag and yourself. This personalized touch strengthens the bond between you and the magic within the bag, making its energy more effective and aligned with your goals. The act of focusing your intentions while crafting the bag brings your ashe, or personal power, into the process, ensuring that the mojo bag works specifically for you, amplifying its ability to manifest what you truly need.

How to Craft Your Own Mojo Bag

Crafting a mojo bag is a sacred process, where every step is filled with intention and focus. Below are step-by-step instructions for making both a Money Mojo Bag and a Love Mojo Bag.

How to Make a Money Mojo Bag

If you’re looking to draw financial success, a Money Mojo Bag can serve as a powerful tool.


  • Green or gold cloth bag (symbolizing wealth and prosperity)
  • Cinnamon (to bring financial success)
  • Bay leaves (for prosperity and victory)
  • Pyrite (for attracting money)
  • Coins (to represent wealth)
  • Dollar bill (used for your petition)
  • Basil (to draw abundance)
  • Magnetic sand (optional, to attract money)
  • Personal concern (such as a bit of hair or nail clippings)


  1. Begin by cleansing your space and the ingredients with sage or incense.
  2. Take your dollar bill and write your name on it three times.
  3. Turn the bill to the right and write your intention (such as "wealth and prosperity") over your name three times.
  4. Fold the dollar bill toward you, turn it to the right, and fold it toward you again. Do this three times in total.
  5. Tie the folded bill with a yellow or green string to seal your intention.
  6. Place the folded dollar bill into the green or gold bag, along with the other ingredients—cinnamon, bay leaves, pyrite, coins, basil, and your personal concern.
  7. As you add each item, speak your intention aloud. For example, say, "I add this cinnamon to bring wealth into my life."
  8. Once all the ingredients are in the bag, hold your breath and focus on your intention. When ready, gently blow onto the mojo bag, breathing life into it. This breath symbolizes the power of ashe, the spiritual energy that brings manifestation into reality.
  9. Tie the bag securely and hold it in your hands. Visualize the money and success flowing toward you, growing and multiplying.
  10. Carry the Money Mojo Bag with you in your wallet, purse, or place it where you store your money.

How to Make a Love Mojo Bag

If your focus is on attracting love or deepening a relationship, a Love Mojo Bag can help channel that energy.


  • Pink or red cloth bag (for love and passion)
  • Rose petals (for love and attraction)
  • Lavender (for harmony in relationships)
  • Rose quartz (the stone of unconditional love)
  • Pins tied together (one with the head up, one with the head down, representing the union of two people)
  • Petition (write your intention for love on a small piece of paper)
  • Personal concern (such as a piece of hair or fabric from your clothing)
  • Two lodestones (optional, to attract love and bind two people together)


  1. Cleanse your space and the ingredients with incense or sage.
  2. Write your petition on a piece of paper, clearly stating your intention for love or harmony in a relationship.
  3. Fold the paper toward you three times and place it in the bag.
  4. Add the rose petals, lavender, rose quartz, and pins tied together. As you add each item, focus on your intention. For example, "I add these rose petals to attract love into my life."
  5. Place your personal concern into the bag to link the energy directly to you or your partner.
  6. Once all the items are inside, hold your breath, focus on your intention, and gently blow onto the bag, breathing life into it. This act infuses the bag with your ashe, activating its power.
  7. Tie the bag shut and hold it close to your heart. Visualize love entering your life or deepening in your relationship.
  8. Keep your Love Mojo Bag in a special place, such as your bedroom, or carry it with you.

After Your Mojo Bag Is Completed

Once you’ve completed your mojo bag, it’s important to treat it with care and respect. Most people carry their mojo bags with them in their pocket, purse, or tucked into clothing. If your work is more focused on rituals, you can place the bag on your altar or under your pillow to strengthen its connection to you.

Feeding Your Mojo Bag

To keep the mojo bag’s energy strong and active, it needs to be fed regularly. Feeding is an act of care that keeps the spiritual energy aligned with your intention. You can feed your bag by anointing it with conjure oils, passing it through incense smoke, or giving it a few drops of alcohol. Each time you feed your mojo bag, take a moment to reaffirm your intention, reminding the bag of its purpose.

Crafting your own mojo bag is a deeply personal experience that allows you to carry focused energy and intention with you wherever you go. Whether you’re seeking love, financial success, or protection, a mojo bag is a powerful tool that, when properly cared for, can manifest incredible change in your life. By feeding it regularly and keeping it close, you maintain a strong connection with the energy and spirit of the mojo bag, allowing its magic to unfold in your favor.

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