Our Success Pure Essential Oil Aromatherapy Blend is the perfect solution for helping you attain your goals and aspirations. The oils in this blend help boost your confidence and break through any self-limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. It contains all the right ingredients to inspire you to get into action and confront any challenge that may stand in your way. Whether you simply wish to receive well-deserved recognition, improve your business success, work through a challenging legal issue or land the perfect job, this blend can help! Of course, it’s also 100% pure and all-natural. Our Success Pure Essential Oil Aromatherapy Blend comes in 10 ml euro dropper bottle. We add no carrier oils to our Essential Oil Blends so we urge you to take the right precautions and either use with care or add a carrier oil.
What does Success Pure Essential Oil Aromatherapy Blend do:
- Create calm and tranquility to promote clear, concise thinking to help make good decisions.
- Boost confidence, determination, and self-esteem in order to work toward your goals.
- Encourage grounding and balance to help you handle problems and challenges that may stand in the way of accomplishing your objective.
- Promote positive thinking, creativity, and objectivity, which help lead to favorable outcomes.
What are the ingredients in Success Pure Essential Oil Aromatherapy Blend:
This blend is made with bay, orange, cedar, vetiver, and myrrh.
Cedar is known to be a wonderful herb to use when attempting to build wealth and prosperity. It is also known to bring luck and good fortune. An old myth suggests that when a cedar tree grows on your land, your family will have good health and fortune so long as it flourishes. Cedar chips were once used to purify, clear sacred spaces, and promote happiness and harmony. From an aromatherapy perspective, cedarwood oil has an absolutely lovely ability to help ground energy.
Vetiver also has its own special history in both folklore and tradition. Farmers used to plant vetiver in their soil to counteract soil erosion, thus ensuring a successful and bountiful harvest. In India, vetiver was associated with royalty. Even today, it's not uncommon for some people to place a vetiver root in their cash registers to help increase business. Vetiver is quite calming and very stabilizing. It can be a wonderful resource for helping to harness the much-needed endurance when tackling challenging obstacles.
Bay also has a fantastic history. Used by both the Greeks and Romans, bay has been associated with success, triumph, and victory for centuries. The Greeks, for example, would place a crown of bay laurel on the Olympians as a sign of glory and high esteem. Likewise, the Romans would crown their generals and victors with wreaths of bay laurel in celebration of their achievements and victories. Emperors were also known to wear the bay laurel wreath when completing important and meaningful tasks.
Myrrh dates as far back as the ancient Egyptians. Known for a vast array of health benefits, it is also known for its ability to help with overcoming fear and trauma. It has a wonderful way to help establish trust in one's self and develop trust in others. Believe it or not, this makes a powerful contribution when attempting to achieve one’s goals. The more faith you have in yourself, the better able you are to feel confident in tackling life’s challenges and setbacks.
Finally, throughout history, the orange has been associated with good luck, fortune, and prosperity. For the Chinese, the orange has long been associated with generosity and gratitude. It continues to be associated with abundance and happiness. Its aromatherapy benefits include positive thinking, creativity, happiness, harmony, and overall feelings of well-being.
How to use Success Pure Essential Oil Aromatherapy Blend:
Massage (make sure to use a carrier oil, approximately 1 drop of oil per teaspoon of carrier oil)
In the bath
Add to lotion
As a compress (add a few drops to boiled water, soak a cloth in it and apply to affected areas)
Steam inhalation
Do not apply undiluted oil directly to the skin. This product may cause photosensitivity, This product is not intended to treat, diagnose or cure illnesses or diseases nor is it intended to be used in order to replace appropriate medical attention and/or treatment. This product is not intended to be used by those who are pregnant. Keep out of reach of small children. For external use only.
All Art of the Root products are handmade daily in the USA.