Why Perform An Unbinding Ritual?
In our last post, we used the elements of Water and Air combined with perennial herbs to help us let go and purify. But what about those of us who want to take the idea of renewal to a whole other level? Those of us who feel inextricably tied to old habits, people, places or things may need to perform an unbinding ritual. Unbinding spells focus on cutting ties between you and situations that no longer serve to benefit you. Particularly powerful when performed while the sun is in the sign of Aquarius, an unbinding spell is exactly what it appears to be. It is a ritual that helps you focus on liberating yourself from negativity by making positive change. This “change” will involve separating yourself from anything that acts against your own best interest while being considerate of the best interest of others.
An effective unbinding spell can be as simple as burning incense or meditating on letting go of negative influences. I prefer a series of small rituals that are easy to perform over a series of three nights (all of my readers know I am a HUGE fan of 3-day rituals).
Here is my favorite Unbinding ritual to use whenever ties need to be cut, and attachments need to be foregone:
The Three-Day Unbinding Ritual
Day 1 is a cleansing bath with an herbal bath wash. We make our bath wash by simmering equal parts basil, lemon peel, rosemary, angelica and mint in purified water for about 5 to 7 minutes. (We want about 3 inches of water over our herbs). After the simmering, separate the herbs from the herb infused water. We keep the herbal water and, as we have simmered the life force from our herbs, we now discard them. Add a small handful (about a heaping tablespoon) of Kosher salt to the infused water and set aside.
Next, get two small black votive candles or tea lights. At sundown, take your two candles and place one at the head of the tub and place the other at the foot of the tub (one by your feet and one by your head). Light the two candles and enter the tub. Get the prepared bath wash (make sure it is not too hot) and slowly pour it over your head and as it flows down your body, use your hands to push it down towards the bottom of the tub. As you do this, imagine washing away negative attachments and situations. Visualize gigantic scissors cutting those gnarly cords that tie you to unwanted people, places or things. These huge scissors can and do cut through all obstacles. As you're visualizing, recite your intention or recite Psalm 23 or 91.
On Day 2 we look to St. Michael. To do this, use either a St. Michael 7-day candle or use a red jumbo candle. (If you use the red candle print an image of St. Michael and place it on your altar). Next, anoint the candle with either Cut & Clear Oil, Uncrossing Oil or Spell Breaker Oil (For unbinding work, I like to mix Cut & Clear Oil with Uncrossing Oil). Don't fret if you do not have these mixed oils at hand! You can easily make an oil for the job by combining cinnamon, peppermint, lemon peel, a bit of salt and a dash of rosemary. Blend this mixture into either olive or almond oil. Once you have the oil you are going to use, anoint the candle by pushing the oil down the candle, from the wick to the base.
After the candle is anointed you will write down the situation you wish to be unbound from onto a piece of parchment paper or a piece of brown paper bag. Then fold the paper in half making sure your fold is done away from your physical body as if you are pushing the energy away. Turn it 90 degrees and fold it again. Place this under your candle (always make sure your candle is in an appropriate holder) and when ready, light you’re the candle and recite the following prayer:
“Saint Michael, the archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him humbly we pray; And do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.”
If you are uncomfortable with this prayer, come up with your own. Make it personal and always say “Thank-You”. When the candle spell is completed, take all the remains and throw into moving water such as a stream or river or leave it at a crossroads if moving water is not nearby.
On day 3 your candle ritual may still be burning, but go ahead with the house cleansing. There are three ways to do this:
- Burn some sage or church incense in every corner of your house while saying your intentions out loud.
- Make a floor wash by combining 1 tablespoon of ammonia, 1 tablespoon of powdered eggshell and 1 cup of the simmered herbal water you used for the cleansing bath into a gallon of purified water. Use this mixture to wash the floors of your home from the back of the house towards the front door, making sure your strokes “push” the energy away from the back towards, and then out the door. If you happen to have 2 or more floors, you are going to want start with the uppermost floor and work your way down.
- Make Four Thieves Vinegar and spray your house. The mixture is easy: Add 1-2 tablespoons each of thyme, rosemary, mint, sage, and lavender along with 2-3 cloves of minced garlic to 32 oz. of apple cider vinegar. (My special touch is to add fresh lemon peel and basil to the blend which targets negative attachments).
Fill a spray bottle with the Four Thieves Vinegar mix and as soon as the sun sets, spray each room with some Four Thieves Vinegar. Just like the floor wash, start at the top of your house and work your way down finishing up at your front door. (If making the Four Thieves Vinegar seems too complicated or time-consuming you can replace the Four Thieves Vinegar with Holy Water--it is equally effective).
After your three-day ritual is complete you need to make sure you give yourself and the ritual enough time to take effect. Unbinding work is not easy! The stronger the bind, the longer it takes to undo. Keep your eye on the prize of freedom and never give up. Energetically, the bind needs to unwind its connection to you. If you are feeling impatient, keep a bowl of fresh water with 1 teaspoon Kosher salt and 1 teaspoon lemon juice under your bed. Replace this mixture every week.
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