Using Tarot Cards in Spells and Rituals

Tarot cards have been a source of mysticism and guidance for centuries. Beyond their use in divination, these cards hold immense potential in spells and rituals. Their rich symbolism and connection to universal archetypes make them powerful tools for manifesting intentions. This article will explore how to incorporate tarot cards into your magical practices, covering the basics of tarot, the power of symbolism, using the suit cards to represent individuals, and utilizing the major elements and Major Arcana. Finally, we’ll discuss how to put it all together to enhance your rituals and spells.

Tarot Card Basics: The Power of Symbolism

At its core, a tarot deck consists of 78 cards divided into two main sections: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana includes 22 cards that represent significant life events, spiritual lessons, and deep archetypal themes. The Minor Arcana is comprised of 56 cards, divided into four suits: Wands, Pentacles, Cups, and Swords, each containing 14 cards (Ace through 10 and four Court Cards: King, Queen, Knight, and Page).

Tarot cards are rich in symbolism, with each card carrying specific imagery and meanings that tap into the collective unconscious. This symbolism is powerful in spellwork, as it allows practitioners to focus their intentions and draw upon the energies associated with each card. Whether you're seeking to manifest love, prosperity, protection, or personal growth, tarot cards can serve as a visual and energetic focal point for your spells and rituals.

Using the Suit Cards to Represent Yourself or Others

Using Tarot Cards for Spells: Understanding the Suit Cards

The Court Cards (Kings, Queens, Knights, and Pages) in the tarot deck can be particularly useful in spells and rituals, as they can represent yourself, others, or various aspects of your personality and life. Each suit of the Court Cards is associated with specific astrological signs and elemental energies, which can help in choosing the right card for your intention.


  • King of Wands: Represents fiery Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Use this card for leadership, authority, and taking decisive action.
  • King of Pentacles: Represents practical Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Use this card for financial stability, career success, and groundedness.
  • King of Cups: Represents emotional Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Use this card for emotional balance, compassion, and creative endeavors.
  • King of Swords: Represents intellectual Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Use this card for clarity, truth, and strategic thinking.


  • Queen of Wands: Represents confident Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Use this card for self-assurance, charisma, and passion.
  • Queen of Pentacles: Represents nurturing Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Use this card for home, family, and material comfort.
  • Queen of Cups: Represents intuitive Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Use this card for emotional insight, empathy, and healing.
  • Queen of Swords: Represents perceptive Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Use this card for clear communication, independence, and wisdom.


  • Knight of Wands: Represents adventurous Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Use this card for travel, excitement, and pursuing goals.
  • Knight of Pentacles: Represents diligent Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Use this card for hard work, perseverance, and responsibility.
  • Knight of Cups: Represents romantic Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Use this card for love, creativity, and following dreams.
  • Knight of Swords: Represents ambitious Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Use this card for quick thinking, action, and intellectual pursuits.


  • Page of Wands: Represents enthusiastic Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Use this card for inspiration, new beginnings, and exploration.
  • Page of Pentacles: Represents practical Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Use this card for learning, growth, and financial opportunities.
  • Page of Cups: Represents sensitive Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Use this card for emotional messages, intuition, and creativity.
  • Page of Swords: Represents curious Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Use this card for mental agility, vigilance, and new ideas.

Using the Four Major Elements: Wands, Pentacles, Cups, and Swords

The Minor Arcana suits are each associated with one of the four major elements, which can be harnessed in your spells and rituals.

Wands (Fire)

  • Element: Fire
  • Qualities: Passion, energy, creativity, action
  • Astrological Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
  • Usage: Use Wands cards to invoke fiery energy for spells related to motivation, courage, and new ventures.

Pentacles (Earth)

  • Element: Earth
  • Qualities: Stability, material wealth, physical health, practicality
  • Astrological Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
  • Usage: Use Pentacles cards to ground your intentions and attract prosperity, health, and abundance.

Cups (Water)

  • Element: Water
  • Qualities: Emotions, intuition, relationships, healing
  • Astrological Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
  • Usage: Use Cups cards for spells focused on love, emotional healing, and enhancing psychic abilities.

Swords (Air)

  • Element: Air
  • Qualities: Intellect, communication, truth, conflict
  • Astrological Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
  • Usage: Use Swords cards to clarify thoughts, resolve conflicts, and enhance communication and intellectual pursuits.

The Power of the Major Arcana

Using Tarot Cards for Spells and Rituals: The Major Arcana

The Major Arcana are the 22 cards in a tarot deck that represent significant life events, spiritual lessons, and deep archetypal themes. Each card, from The Fool to The World, embodies a unique aspect of the human experience and the journey of the soul. These cards hold profound symbolic meanings and are often seen as the core of the tarot deck, providing powerful insights and guidance. In spells and rituals, the Major Arcana can be used to invoke potent energies and archetypes, helping to amplify intentions and connect with the deeper, transformative forces at play in the universe.

Examples of Major Arcana Cards in Spellwork

  • The Fool: Use this card to embrace new beginnings, take leaps of faith, and cultivate a sense of adventure.
  • The Magician: Utilize this card to harness your personal power, focus your will, and manifest your desires.
  • The High Priestess: Invoke this card to enhance intuition, connect with your inner wisdom, and uncover hidden truths.
  • The Empress: Employ this card for fertility, creativity, and nurturing energies in your spells.
  • The Emperor: Use this card to establish structure, authority, and stability in your life.
  • The Lovers: Integrate this card into love spells, choices, and aligning with your true values.
  • The Chariot: Harness this card for determination, willpower, and overcoming obstacles.
  • Strength: Use this card to boost inner strength, courage, and resilience.
  • The Hermit: Invoke this card for introspection, guidance, and seeking inner truth.
  • Wheel of Fortune: Employ this card to attract positive change, luck, and the turning of cycles.
  • Justice: Use this card for fairness, balance, and legal matters.
  • The Hanged Man: Integrate this card for surrender, new perspectives, and releasing what no longer serves you.
  • Death: Utilize this card for transformation, endings, and making way for new beginnings.
  • Temperance: Use this card to achieve balance, harmony, and patience.
  • The Devil: Employ this card to confront fears, release addictions, and break free from limiting patterns.
  • The Tower: Invoke this card for necessary upheaval, breaking down false structures, and embracing change.
  • The Star: Use this card for hope, inspiration, and spiritual guidance.
  • The Moon: Integrate this card to explore dreams, intuition, and the subconscious.
  • The Sun: Employ this card for joy, success, and positivity.
  • Judgement: Use this card for renewal, forgiveness, and making important decisions.
  • The World: Invoke this card for completion, wholeness, and achieving your goals.

The Power of the the Minor Arcana

The Minor Arcana, comprising 56 cards in a tarot deck, represents the more everyday aspects of life, divided into four suits: Wands, Pentacles, Cups, and Swords. Each suit corresponds to one of the four elements (fire, earth, water, and air) and encompasses a range of experiences and energies from Ace to Ten, along with four Court Cards (King, Queen, Knight, and Page). In rituals or spells, the Minor Arcana can be utilized to address specific situations, emotions, and actions. For instance, Wands can be invoked for creativity and ambition, Pentacles for financial stability and grounding, Cups for emotional depth and relationships, and Swords for clarity and decision-making. By selecting cards that align with your intention, the Minor Arcana adds nuance and detail to your spellwork, enabling you to target and manifest specific aspects of your desires and goals.

Using Symbolism to Enhance Your Intentions

Tarot cards are potent symbols that can amplify your intentions when used in spells and rituals. Each card is imbued with rich imagery and deep symbolic meanings, making them powerful tools for focusing and channeling your energy. When you incorporate tarot cards into your magical practices, the imagery on each card serves as a visual anchor that helps you concentrate your thoughts and emotions on your specific intention. This can be particularly effective in meditation, where gazing at the card allows you to immerse yourself in its symbolic world, enhancing your visualization and connection to the desired outcome. The act of selecting and working with specific cards also engages your subconscious mind, aligning it with your conscious goals and helping to bring your desires into reality. Here’s how to use symbolism effectively:

  1. Choose a Card that Represents Your Intention: Select a card whose imagery and meaning align with your desired outcome. For example, if you seek love, you might choose The Lovers or the Ace of Cups.
  2. Meditate on the Card: Spend time contemplating the card, visualizing your intention as if it has already manifested. Focus on the details of the imagery and the feelings it evokes.
  3. Incorporate the Card into Your Ritual: Place the card on your altar, hold it during meditation, or include it in a spell layout. You might place candles, crystals, or other ritual tools around the card to enhance its energy.
  4. Affirm Your Intention: Speak or write affirmations that align with the card’s meaning and your desired outcome. For example, “I attract love and harmonious relationships into my life” for The Lovers.

Performing A Spell with Tarot Cards

Tarot Card Spread for Money Drawing Spell

Creating a tarot spell or ritual involves integrating various elements and symbols to focus your energy and intentions. Here's a detailed step-by-step guide:

 Crafting a Powerful Tarot Spell

  1. Arrange the Tarot Cards

    • Place the chosen tarot cards on your altar in a layout that feels right to you.
  2. Define Your Intention

    • Clearly state what you want to achieve with your spell. Write it down and keep it concise and specific.
  3. Select a Suit Card to Represent Yourself

    • Choose a Court Card that best represents you or the qualities you want to embody in the situation.
  4. Choose a Major Arcana Card to Empower Your Intention

    • Select a Major Arcana card that aligns with your desired outcome and helps clarify your intention.
  5. Choose Additional Cards to Support Your Intention

    • Pick other cards from the deck that support your goal, representing different aspects or energies needed to manifest your intention.

Performing the Spell

  1. Prepare Your Space

    • Set up your ritual space with candles, crystals, incense, and any other tools that enhance the atmosphere.
    • Choose candle colors that correspond to your intention:
      • Green for prosperity and abundance
      • Red for love and passion
      • Blue for healing and tranquility
      • Yellow for success and confidence
      • White for purity and protection
    • Anoint the candles with oils that align with your intention (e.g., cinnamon for prosperity, rose for love). As you anoint the candles, focus on infusing them with your intention.
  2. Perform a Ritual Action

    • Light the anointed candles, burn incense, or perform any other ritual actions that feel right to you. As you do, focus on the imagery and energy of the tarot cards.
  3. Meditate on Your Intention

    • Sit quietly and focus on your intention. Visualize the qualities and energies of the selected cards working together to bring your intention to life.
  4. Affirm Your Intention

    • Speak or write affirmations that align with your goal.
  5. Close the Ritual

    • Thank the energies and spirits you invoked, and gently close the ritual space. Leave the tarot cards on your altar or keep them in a special place where you can revisit and meditate on them regularly.

A Money Drawing Tarot Spell

This spell is an example of a money drawing ritual using tarot cards, but practitioners should choose cards that resonate with them personally. The more you get to know the cards, you may find certain tarot cards speak out to you. Don't be afraid to include these. The cards are meant to help you focus and boost your intentions. They're are no wrong or rights. It all comes down to your own relationship with the imagery and symbolism of the cards. 

For this specific spell, I chose the suit of Pentacles as they are the the suit most commonly associated with money. In reality, there are countless others that would work really well.  This is rather a complex spread for a tarot spell, You may want to simply stick with the center cards and petition and skip the other cards. This is how I most often perform tarot card spells. 

What You Will Need:

  • Queen of Pentacles
  • The Empress
  • Ace of Pentacles
  • Seven of Pentacles
  • Ten of Pentacles
  • Nine of Pentacles
  • Money Oil
  • Money Drawing Candle
  • A piece of paper and a pen
  • A fire-safe plate
  • Ground cinnamon, bay leaves, basil, and chamomile
  • Four green chime candles

First, lay out the tarot spread by selecting a suit card that represents you. In this example, we use the Queen of Pentacles, which symbolizes practical wisdom and financial acumen. Place this card on your altar with the image facing you. Next, write your intention clearly on a piece of paper—such as attracting financial abundance and prosperity—and place it on top of the Queen of Pentacles.

Choose a Major Arcana card that aligns with your intention. Here, The Empress is used for her association with abundance and prosperity. Place The Empress crossed over the Queen of Pentacles. Then, arrange additional supporting cards: to the right, place the Ace of Pentacles to symbolize new financial opportunities; below, place the Seven of Pentacles for growth and investment; to the left, place the Ten of Pentacles for wealth and stability; and on top, place the Nine of Pentacles to represent financial independence, luxury, and the fruition of one's goals.

Once your cards are arranged, sprinkle the dried herbs—ground cinnamon, bay leaves, basil, and chamomile—over them in a clockwise direction. Place a fire-safe plate directly over the central cards (Queen of Pentacles and The Empress) and put your Money Drawing Candle on top of this plate. Anoint the candle with Money Oil, focusing on infusing it with your intention. Additionally, anoint the four green chime candles and position them at your altar's north, south, east, and west points.

When ready, light the Money Drawing Candle in the center, concentrating on your intention. Light the north chime candle next, repeating your intention aloud, and then light the remaining chime candles in a clockwise direction, repeating your intention each time. As all the candles burn, sit quietly, visualizing your intention manifesting. Allow the candles to burn down completely.

After the candles have burned down, dispose of any remaining wax and herbs appropriately. Keep the tarot cards and the piece of paper with your intention in a special place as a reminder of your spell and the energy you have set into motion.

For more on spells, check out are article What are Wiccan Spells and How to Cast Them.

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